- Priority - Critical
- Affecting Other - Network
Our network has just experienced a large DDoS network attack. Â The attack has been mitigated and we will continue to monitor the network. Â Thank you.
- Date - 01/24/2015 00:19 - 01/24/2015 00:30
- Last Updated - 01/24/2015 00:34
- Priority - Medium
- Affecting Server - emma
Effective immediately, abby has a new security certificate. Â Please use abby.wwwroot.net instead of abby.pgzn.com for any configured hostname, especially if you are using SSL. Â
Effective Monday, December 29, 2014, we will be updating emma to emma.wwwroot.net. Â Please use emma.wwwroot.net instead of emma.pgzn.com for any configured hostname, especially if you are using SSL. Â
Remember, you can always access your WHM or cPanel by logging into our Support Panel and by going to Services -> My Services.  You may also access these features by going to: www.yourdomain.com/cpanel, www.yourdomain.com/whm or www.yourdomain.com/webmail for webmail.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Support by logging into https://www.page-zone.com/client/clientarea.php and click on Open Ticket.
Thank you for choosing Page-Zone Web Hosting.  Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! - Date - 12/29/2014 09:00
- Last Updated - 12/29/2014 07:50
- Priority - Medium
We are upgrading mysql and php on right now.
- Date - 12/21/2012 04:09 - 12/30/2012 19:22
- Last Updated - 12/21/2012 04:10
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