DDoS Network Attack (Løst)
  • Prioritet - Kritisk
  • Berører Annet - Network
  • Our network has just experienced a large DDoS network attack.  The attack has been mitigated and we will continue to monitor the network.  Thank you.

  • Dato - 01/24/2015 00:19 - 01/24/2015 00:30
  • Sist oppdatert - 01/24/2015 00:34
Important Information Regarding Security Cert (Løst)
  • Prioritet - Medium
  • Berører Server - emma
  • Effective immediately, abby has a new security certificate.  Please use abby.wwwroot.net instead of abby.pgzn.com for any configured hostname, especially if you are using SSL.  

    Effective Monday, December 29, 2014, we will be updating emma to emma.wwwroot.net.  Please use emma.wwwroot.net instead of emma.pgzn.com for any configured hostname, especially if you are using SSL.  

    Remember, you can always access your WHM or cPanel by logging into our Support Panel and by going to Services -> My Services.  You may also access these features by going to: www.yourdomain.com/cpanel, www.yourdomain.com/whm or www.yourdomain.com/webmail for webmail.

    If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Support by logging into https://www.page-zone.com/client/clientarea.php and click on Open Ticket.

    Thank you for choosing Page-Zone Web Hosting.  Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! 

  • Dato - 12/29/2014 09:00
  • Sist oppdatert - 12/29/2014 07:50
Upgrading mysql and php (Løst)
  • Prioritet - Medium
  • We are upgrading mysql and php on right now.

  • Dato - 12/21/2012 04:09 - 12/30/2012 19:22
  • Sist oppdatert - 12/21/2012 04:10

Server Status

Tabellen under viser status på våre servere. Du kan bruke denne siden for å sjekke om noen av tjenestene på våre servere er utilgjengelig.

Server HTTP FTP POP3 PHP-info Serverbelastning Oppetid
dorthy PHP-info
kari PHP-info
kristi PHP-info
lisa PHP-info
sally PHP-info